Welcome Lady Goddesses

I welcome you to my home of beauty. It is here that I will show all things beautiful. Give you health hints to make you hand beautiful, share make-up tips and the beauty of the world outside. Please if you have a question on or about your life, I am your Dear Abby or maybe a tip or two on products or the best places of beauty, or even your own beauty. Here we are all goddesses and we should help each other to be that way.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shadow and Color

Now recently, I have been asked, "I only use one color and look blah, so how do I choose the colors to put on?" Trust me, this is not the first time I have been asked that question. Why do women think that they can't get this kind of look? Now I am taken back by that. But I realize women in general, achieve things in their own way. Also not every woman has the knowledge on how to do make-up. Sometimes women get lucky and get it right away, then there are those who learn from their mothers (Trust me, my Mother got her style from the 50' and 60's. My high school homecoming night, I let her....well, I will think twice on that....LOL...I love my Mom.), then there are those who need to be shown or take up some tips. So here I am, the tipster, any thing ladies. I will try it or learn more about it, you ask me; I will go out of my to try it and I will post it for you. But you have to ask.

Honestly, it is alot easier than they think. Where does a woman start? Well, start with a second shade, usually one that compliments another color. For example: A dark brown and a light brown, dark green and a light green and so on and so forth. You get the idea, right? Once you start do this, then you wait for feed back. Listen closely, sometimes the complements come out in different ways.

Once you find two colors, then add a third, a forth and so on. I have been known to wear up to 6 colors at one time. To start or prep your eye area, use a primer. Right now I am using Mary Kay's eye primer. Which works alright. But I am still out there in search for the right one. Keep a watch out for a post on just primers.

In the pic above I have 5 colors on and in the pic below is the brands and colors I used.

Now you will notice, I will use other brands and not just stay with one brand. I look for the look first, then I go for price, and then go for quality for my money. Now MAC; http://www.maccosmetics.com/ is OK, but it would be my first choice, I choose it for the color and the dramatic effect that I can achieve. Jesse's Girl; http://www.jessesgirlcosmetics.com/  Now I really love this stuff. But only the shadows. They have some really glimmer to them, and the dark colors like the peacock color, better when you see it first hand. It is a true blue and can be mixed with other colors, like my greens. Now the Prestige powder; http://www.prestigecosmetics.com/...well you can see I like it a lot, and I do! I makes a great highlighter for your eyes. It also has speckles of gold flakes in it, which makes in a reusable color, over and over. Especially, the nightlife, holidays, or parties. But it can go well as day make-up as well.

That is what I search for when I buy colors; how much will I use the color and is the price worth breaking my husbands' credit card and deal with his wrath....LOL....He just told me, "Damn straight, princess!" Now I only wear my war paint, because I like to go to war with....noooo, nooo....just kidding, I wear it for myself and my self-esteem. (Which is my other addiction...another time.)

To feel good about yourself, sometimes you have to do things to make you feel good. I love doing my hair, my nails and my make-up. They make me feel special. Another way I do this is helping others with their nails, hair and make-up makes a day wonderful to me.

So now....get out there and experiment. Trust me, you are a pro at putting make-up on. You know what look you want to achieve, so believe you can do it. You are the Goddess of  Beauty, so work it, baby!


Aim High said...

I really like Old Gold. That reminds me of Fyrinnae's Aztec Gold- if you are looking for a beautiful olive, try it! I like your eyes. More photos, I say, more! :)

Goddess said...

Ohm, I looked at Fyrinnae's colors, I am still wiping the drool of my computer screen. I have order some of the colors from them, so let the make-up fairy come to my door. Keep directing me to different products to try and I will some how get them. Love you, sis!