Welcome Lady Goddesses

I welcome you to my home of beauty. It is here that I will show all things beautiful. Give you health hints to make you hand beautiful, share make-up tips and the beauty of the world outside. Please if you have a question on or about your life, I am your Dear Abby or maybe a tip or two on products or the best places of beauty, or even your own beauty. Here we are all goddesses and we should help each other to be that way.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Greens....I Love Greens

Ok, I have been really bored and tired of being sick. This is really getting old, so in this picture I am running a 102 degree fever and fed up with looking like a sick old lady. The hat in this picture is one of my hats that I just put into my collection of vintage hats.

When I want to feel better, I put on my greens. Recently I just received a nice order from Fyrinnae...I was not prepared for the beautiful colors....eye candy (excuse the pun).....glitter....rich color that grabs the light. This was my first order and I was astounded with the depth of the colors that I chose.

So Sunday, I found myself all alone in my wonderful home. My husband was golfing, daughter was off to the mountains. Thunder rolled in the background and the insistent whimpers coming from my dogs. They both become frighten children when the skys open up with the changing  of the warm and cold fronts coliding into one another. But I enjoy the change.

Now back to my greens. Let's just say that it did take me a while to get over shell shock and then decide my course artistry with the colors. Usually I am pretty good at colors, doing nails and putting art to them is not always an easy thing to do. So just like any kid at Christmas and just been handed the best toys in the world, I took my time and waited for the mood to strike.

I love the color....now to give you the formula.....hmmmmm....should I? Oh, I know you want it, so I will have to give you what you want. Or I know you won't leave me alone! But for now I will leave you in suspense......the lighing has to be just right.

1 comment:

Aim High said...

I like this a lot! I love the green and gold and the liner looks like 2 colours mixing together, a blend of purple and blue. This is like a peacock tail! Pretty!!